LibCode Suite is made up of four major components:
1. CMEPlus – OPAC:
A research tool designed to provide fast, useful access to the LibCode database holding your collection details. When used correctly, the topical access (through a coding system developed by Teacher-Librarians) will improve access to information and so assist in the Teaching / Learning process.
2. CMEPlus Editor:
This editor is used to collect the cataloguing details of resources. It contains several lookup fields to enhance data entry consistency and also has cataloguing tools built right into the software!
a. Thesaurus:
This database is used to provide consistency in subject access points (a database of over 25,000 commonly used terms, each assigned an approximate Dewey and up to 4 cross-referencing codes). (Extra subject headings can be easily added, through a simple Thesaurus Update.)
3. Circulation:
This tool is designed for circulating items, printing current, overdue and unreturned loan lists, and providing stocktaking functionality. The history file is useful for reading guidance or to view items previously borrowed. Circulation also allows for overdues to be emailed to borrowers from within the system.
4. Utilities:
These are a set of tools designed for backing up to or from a server or external media, reporting for management purposes, inloading and exporting USMARC records, and for setting preferences and performing general database housekeeping routines.
Optional extras
1. Junior HYG:
A research tool designed to provide simple and easy to use access to the LibCode database for young children. This module uses simple language, large font and clear graphics.
2. Reader Module:
The Reader Module allows you to add data for reading scheme, reading level, points, interest level, age and scheme level to any of your resources. This module also allows for multiple schemes to be added to each resource.
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