The TextTracker Suite is made up of four major components:
1. TTPlus Enquiry:
A research tool designed to provide fast access to the textbooks in a collection. What textbooks are in your collection and the number of available copies is at every teacher’s fingertips!
2. TTPlus Editor:
This database is used to collect the catalogue details of Textbooks. Contains several lookup fields to enhance data entry consistency! There is a report generator built in to the data display grid to make it easier to produce customised reports.
3. Topic Authority List:
This database is used to provide consistency in subject areas applied to textbooks. This area allows you to manage the picklist that is used to allocate subjects areas to textbooks.
4. Circulation:
This tool is designed for circulating items, printing Current, Overdue and Unreturned loan lists, providing stocktaking functionality. The history file is useful for chasing up the mysteriously damaged texts!
Barcodes are used to speed things up but are not absolutely necessary
Borrower data can be inloaded and updated in bulk from text files.
5. Utilities:
These are a set of tools designed for backing up to or from a server or external media, reporting for management purposes and for setting preferences and performing general database housekeeping routines.
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